Blog Archive

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Events of this week

On Monday, in English 2 for lawyer class . A.Jasper said that he want we to do the moot court and he asked what we want to be in the moot court such as judge , eye witness , prosecutor , lawyer , jury or defendant . I think I want to be a judge maybe jury or an eyewitness , but I want to be a judge more than jury or an eye witness so I told that I want to be a judge in the moot court because in my dream I want to be a judge and I hope my dream come true .

I'm very nervous when A.Jasper said that he want students wearing a real suit such as I’m a judge in the moot court I will wearing a robe because in my family not have a judge and Thai people believe that if we wearing a suit before we be . I t made we cannot be such as I want to be a judge .If I wearing robe in the moot court maybe my dream not come true . I’m not believe it but I’m not want to destroy my dream so it made me feel happy when A.Jasper said judge can wearing a suit .

On Tuesday , in English 2 for law class we talked about our criminal case to play in the moot room . This case is about the woman shot her husband because she think that a thief come to her house .

At 13.30 P.M. , professor of law school calling me because she want me to went to the parliament with her . We not went to the parliament many weeks because our work have problem . Professor told me that it had many page to read repeatedly so professors wanted we to stop reading and she said that if our work can start she will calling me .

When we went to the parliament . It had many group of crowd in front of it such as employee want to employer give money to them and want to government to help them so they went to the parliament .We came to our work room .It was very clean . I helped my professor fold document boxes because she wanted to make a two group of document . one box has document we reading it and another box has document we not reading . She did that because she wanted to solve the problem . It was very seriously problem because employer give money to our ten BAHT per page for reading.

At 16.45 P.M. , we came back to ABAC because my professors had many work so I calling to my friend and met her at Swensen ‘s The Mall Bangkapi . We ordered two Brownies Delight because it is a new product and we saw it in an advertise so we want to taste it . We think it was very yummy .

I feel happy to saw my friend because we study in different university so we cannot talk together everytime .

On Wednesday , I and my friend study World civilization and Property and land law . Her name is Pleng . Pleng is mean song in English . She asked me for my next semester timetable . I said to her I ‘m not sure but I promise to her . We will study the same subject and section .

Today is Thursday , in English 2 for lawyer class , A.Jasper read trail court opinion . I search it and I think it is very hardly to understand and he look to my dictionary of law . I bought it because When I read Limitations . It had many law words so I think if I had dictionary of law .It made me easy to know law words .I bought it from the Srinakharinwirot University’s bookstore . Ponlapat said to me he saw dictionary of law same as my dictionary of law at Kinokuniya .

1 comment:

Jasper said...

Long post with a lot of info. I liked it!