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Sunday, August 26, 2007

Busy time

On Friday , I was due to sit exams at Ramkhamhaeng University . I had two subject of exams on Friday . The subject of exams were Financial institution law or we called LW 404 and Introduction to sociology and anthropology or we called SO 103 . Finacial institution law had exam at VKB building . This building was easy to found . Finacial institution law had four part and writing . It had two and a half hour to did the exam because time was began at 9.30 AM and time was end at 12.00 AM. I think it was very hard because I read this subject a little bit and I cannot memory sections.

At the afternoon , I found VPB building because I had Introduction to sociology and anthropology ‘s exam but it was very hard to found this building because it has construction nearby VPB building. Introduction to sociology and anthropology had one hundred and twenty part and it had five choices so it not easy and not hard because it had five choices so I can chose one of five choices but some part it asked for person such as who think of Functionalism . Time was began at 14.00 PM. and time was end at 16.00 PM.

When I finished the exam of Friday . I came back home by bus . It made me felt surprised because in the bus had many passenger but it had woman talked the mobile phone very loud and used very rude words . She talked with her husband . Her sound look like angry because her husband has lover and told lie to her but she can know her husband told lie to her so she said to her husband do not told lie to her and stop relationship between he and his love . She said if he does not do that she will kill him and his lover.

On Saturday , my elder sister came back to home because she will go to USA to study . I was very happy because I live in Bangkok and she live in chiangmai so I met her long time ago.

On Sunday , I was due to sit exam at Ramkhamhaeng University . I had one subject of exam on Sunday . The subject of exam was Property of law . It had four part and writing . I think it not hard and not easy because some part I can do but some part I not sure my answer .

At dinner , I disagree with my mother and my father because I went to have dinner at outside but my mother and my father want to have dinner at home so I am very sad because they promised me when my elder sister came back to home we will go to have dinner at outside but they not gone . I think they told lie to me so I will not believe every thing they promise me.

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